New Overtime Pay Regulations: Register Today to Learn More!

Action Alert
Last summer, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) proposed an update to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) that would increase the salary threshold for employees entitled to overtime compensation from $23,660/year to $50,440/year. The regulations will be finalized this spring and are expected to be implemented in early 2017.

Independent Sector is presenting two webinars to address both current and proposed overtime rules. We encourage you to register for both of these learning opportunities: 

Part 1: Is your organization in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act?
Tuesday, May 24, 1-2pm EST
Officials from DOL’s Wage and Hour Division will provide information on the current overtime statute and how it applies to the nonprofit sector. Officials will take questions directly from the field.
Part 2: What would it mean for your organization if the federal overtime threshold doubles?
Tuesday, May 31, 1-2:30pm EST
Key nonprofit leaders will provide information and best practices on the proposed overtime rules. Speakers include Kathryn Smith, general director of Madison Opera, who will address the regulations’ impact on performing arts groups.