
Wireless Microphones Update

Recent Activity

PAA participates in the Performing Arts Wireless Microphone Working Group which asked its member organizations to prepare comments to submit to the FCC urging the protection of wireless microphones used in the performing arts.

The FCC has two open proceedings affecting wireless microphone operations. One proposes that entities using fewer than 50 microphones on a regular basis, would not be able to register in a geo-location database which provides interference protection. In the other proceeding, the FCC is considering a longer-term home for wireless microphones in a different area of the broadcast spectrum. Such a move in the spectrum would mean arts organizations would have to purchase expensive new equipment.

Over 60 letters were sent to the FCC and posted on its website urging interference protection for wireless microphones in the performing arts as well as reimbursement if new equipment needs to be purchased. Reply comments in these two proceedings  were due by February 25. Representatives Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and Leonard Lance (R-NJ), the co-chairs of the Congressional Arts Caucus, agreed to take the lead on a Congressional sign-on letter which arts advocates circulated on Arts Advocacy Day, urging the FCC to protect wireless microphones.